Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reagan Look Alike?

I was flipping through a Parenting magazine and an advertisement caught my eye. I thought for a moment I was looking at a picture of my Reagan!
Check it out... the one on the right is the baby in the ad, the one on the left is Reagan. Both beautiful babies!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Debbie Nelson: "God is Good...All the Time!"

I recently had the opportunity to share the story of Debbie Nelson. A Hot Springs woman who lives by the words "God is Good...all the time!" What is so impressive about her is learning about all the struggles she's faced in her life. Such an inspiring woman to me!!

A fundraiser and chili dinner will be held Sunday, March 25 from 5pm to 8pm at the train station in downtown Little Rock (next level main events room). For more information contact Cathy Lamb at 501-529-6721.

And there will be a scrapbooking crop as a fundraiser on May 4th/5th. Contact Kimberly at for more details.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Two great stories tonight!

Hello all!!
I'm so excited to share a couple of great stories tonight on Channel 7 news. The first is all about Pinterest. It's a social media website that you either love... or you've never heard of . :) And we'll tell how it's being used to raise money for a great cause.

And then tonight at 10pm... I'm honored to get to introduce you to Debbie Nelson. A Hot Springs woman who refuses to let life's struggles and circumstances get in the way of her faith. I loved meeting her and sharing her story. It's one you won't want to miss!!